

Dr. Hunter,
I don’t know if you remember me, but you gave me some advice on a perm I did all the way back in June. I just wanted to get back to you on what has happened with my client. We waited until late July to give her hair some good recovery time, and then I redid the perm as you recommended. The results were great and I just saw her again today and everything is in great shape. Thanks again for all your help, I really appreciate it! It meant a lot to me that you were willing to take the time to help me out, and it was a great learning experience for me as well. Thanks again!

Debbie Welty
The Hair Company
Galesburg, IL


I have been wanting to get back to you after that weekend class in Lincoln last month. Thanks so much for coming and sharing with us here! I thought it all went so nice and the group was pretty lively! I love classes! I enjoyed hearing Dr. Hunter.

Since the class, I have been meaning to tell you, that the perm wrap you showed us has been a HIT! I came home and permed a mannequin head in a long layed cut in peach, orange and teal rods and it turned out lovely! I have had clients comment on it as it sits on the counter and one gal changed her appt. to a perm appt. and waited for her color until the following week! Then, she was in to buy products as another long haired client and I was discussing the perm and she could SHOW my client her hair! It is the best perm she has ever had, she says and I will perm this other client, too. So, I wanted to let you know that this is the technique I have been looking for! I also took the curling iron yesterday and curled a gal for her prom that way too. It was a great looking curl! I always like the razor cutting and that is going well for me , too. So, thanks again for sharing with us and hope to see you again! Take care!!!

Joyce Zimmerman
Avalon Suites